Honeycomb Candy #dessertrecipe #chocolatecake #cheesecake #cookiessimplerecipe

My mother just made this sweets a couple of times for our family yet I constantly adored it. I had a companion who made this treats a couple of times as well and she called it wipe sweets and used to dunk it in chocolate.

I adjusted a formula I found so it would have a progressively nectar season, rather than a sugar enhance. I utilized some Wildflower Berry Raw Honey that I bought from Azure Standard and it turned out scrumptious.

From the outset, I thought this formula would have been tedious and somewhat troublesome since I had never really made it myself. I had just watched it being made. In any case, to my lovely amazement, it was very simple. The hardest part was to simply leave it alone and bubble until it arrived at the right temperature.
Honeycomb Candy #dessertrecipe #chocolatecake #cheesecake #cookiessimplerecipe
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  • 1 3/4 cup Sugar
  • 1/3 cup Honey
  • 1/4 cup Water
  • 1 tablespoon Baking Soda


  1. Mix the sugar, honey, and water in a medium-sized pan. You want a big enough pan for the mixture to expand once the baking soda is added so don't use a small pan.
  2. Heat on medium high heat, stirring occasionally until mixture begins to boil.
  3. Once the honey mixture is boiling, clip on the candy thermometer and reduce the heat to just keep it boiling. I cooked mine on medium heat. Boil until the candy reaches 300 degrees.
  4. Once the mixture is at 300 degrees, remove from heat and whisk in the baking soda. Be careful as the mixture will bubble and expand. Mix the baking soda in well.
  5. Pour the mixture into a greased or Silpat lined cookie sheet. Don't spread the mixture.
  6. Let the candy cool until firm.
  7. Once the candy is cool and firm, break into serving sized pieces and store in an airtight container.
  8. Enjoy!

Read more our recipe No-Bake Cherry Yum Yum #dessertrecipe #chocolatecake #cheesecake #cookiessimplerecipe

Source : bit.ly/2UFcyAg

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